
Do you have bleeding gums?

Scroll down to find out about the symptoms

Do you have bleeding gums?

  • Bleeding Gums


    Healthy gums don’t bleed, so if you see blood as you brush, this can be a sign of gum disease.  

    Bleeding gums can be caused by plaque, a film of bacteria that constantly builds up around, on and in between your teeth. If this bacteria is not removed, it can lead to irritated, bleeding gums. Spitting blood when you brush could be an early sign of gum disease and if not treated on time it could lead to tooth loss.

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  • Bad Breath


    Bad breath, or halitosis, has many causes, but it could be a sign you are suffering from gum disease.

    The build up of plaque bacteria is one of the common causes of bleeding gums and can also cause bad breath. As plaque breaks down pieces of food in your mouth, it may release an unpleasant smelling gas. This leads to bad breath, which can be an embarrassing condition and may also be an early sign of gum disease.

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  • Swollen Gums


    Swollen, or inflamed, gums can appear red and puffy and could be an early sign of gum disease.

    The most common cause of inflamed or swollen gums is plaque bacteria that builds up on, around, and in between your teeth. Unless the bacteria is removed, usually by brushing, it can cause inflamed gums around the tooth. This may spread to the gum socket that holds the tooth or even lead to serious gum disease.

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  • Receding Gums


    Receding gums occur when your gums draw back from your teeth, if left untreated this could expose the root beneath.

    One of the first signs of receding gums could be tooth sensitivity, but you may also notice a tooth looks longer than normal and your gums may look and feel different. Although a common dental problem, gum recession should not be ignored as it can be a sign of gum disease.

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  • Tooth Loss


    Tooth loss can be caused by one of the most severe forms of gum disease, called periodontitis. 

    Periodontitis is an infection of the tissues, ligaments and bones that surround and support your teeth. It can occur when symptoms such as bleeding gums due to gingivitis are left untreated. Periodontitis is irreversible and can lead to tooth loss, which is why it is vital to treat earlier symptoms so you don’t let things get this far.

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parodontax is a specially formulated toothpaste that is effective at removing the common cause of bleeding gums*. By physically targeting the build up of plaque bacteria along the gumline, it helps to keep the seal between gums and teeth tight.

When used to brush twice daily, parodontax toothpaste is clinically proven to help stop bleeding gums*. It is also suitable for daily use as it strengthens teeth and freshens breath.

Find out more about how parodontax can help stop your journey towards gum disease here.

*By aiding plaque removal. Consult your dentist for more information about gum problems

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