It’s not news that adopting a healthy lifestyle brings lots of benefits, helping to keep you feeling fit and well, while warding off lots of nasty diseases. But one thing is often overlooked when it comes to thinking about how to keep our bodies in peak condition – our mouths.

If you care about your health and wellbeing by keeping active, eating well and protecting your mental wellbeing, good oral hygiene should also be a natural part of your healthy lifestyle. It doesn’t take much to maintain healthy gums, but if you overlook them you put yourself at higher risk from gingivitis, which, if left untreated, can progress into the more severe, irreversible form of gum disease, periodontitis – the leading cause of adult tooth loss.1

That’s why, alongside trips to the gym, walking to work, eating plenty of fruit and veg and perhaps doing some mindful meditation to destress, you shouldn’t forget to take good care of your teeth and gums.


A good oral health routine is simple to follow and is the best way to protect your teeth and gums, as well as helping to keep breath fresh. Here’s our guide to help you keep your mouth healthy:

  • Brush your teeth twice daily with a gum health toothpaste like parodontax toothpaste. By physically removing the build up of plaque bacteria along the gumline (where the tooth meets the gum), parodontax toothpaste is effective at removing the common cause of bleeding gums. When used twice daily it is clinically proven to help stop and prevent bleeding gums*, one of the key symptoms of gum disease. 
  • Use dental floss or interdental brushes to keep hard to reach areas between your teeth clean.
  • Use a mouthwash, for everyday gum protection and to help keep breath fresh.
  • Have regular check ups with your dentist as a professional can spot problems with your gums and teeth even before you experience any symptoms. If necessary your dentist can also offer advice on how to treat gum disease to stop it from getting worse.
  • If you smoke, stop. Smokers are at higher risk from gum disease, because smoking or chewing tobacco weakens your immune system making it easier for gingivitis to develop and harder for it to heal properly once you have it.2 To protect your health – and your gums – get advice from your doctor on how to give up smoking.

*By aiding plaque removal. Consult your dentist for more information about gum problems

1 Periodontal (Gum) Disease . 2017. Periodontal (Gum) Disease . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 August 2017]., 2 2017. Smoking, Gum Disease, and Tooth Loss | Overviews of Diseases/Conditions | Tips From Former Smokers | CDC. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 02 August 2017].